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Here is where I turn in my assignments for Photography class, which are the blogs down below.

  • Writer's picturePerla Lopez

#1 Where is this place? What was the date of the event?

The place where I took these pictures was in the Nature Center at El Modena HS.

#2 Who are the people in your pictures?

The people I took pictures of are people I either talk to or hang out with.

#3 Why did you pick all 10 of these pictures?

Well I like to take pictures of people I know. For the other pictures, they just caught my attention.

#4 Which was your absolute favorite and why?

The pictures I really like are the ones from my friends. I don't know why I tend to like these kinds of pictures...

#5 Find a picture from a classmates' website for this event, do a screenshot (Shift + Command +4) and include this.Tell me why you like the picture. Add a link to their website.

I really like this paper boat that Nova Clark took because something about its position and the background. I find it very pretty to look at.

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  • Writer's picturePerla Lopez

Updated: Oct 27, 2021

#1 Where did you take these pictures?

I took these pictures around campus and some in the Nature Center.

#2 Which item on the scavenger hunt list was the most difficult?

The most difficult item to take a picture were the photos with the bees because they kept flying away.

#3 Which item on the scavenger hunt was your favorite? Why was it your favorite?

My favorite picture was the one named "bumble bee".

#4 Look through your classmates' websites and find a picture you like. Do a screenshot of it and include it on this blog post. Shift + Command + 4

A picture that I liked was the one on the left by Nova Clark. I really like how the flower stands out.

#5 Add a link to your partner’s website. If you share the camera with more than one person, add a link to their website.

Well, I didn't share my cam with anyone....

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  • Writer's picturePerla Lopez

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